Tienda Ti Mansion
Walis Ting Ting
Approximately 2.5 inches in diameter X 55 inches long
Walis Ting Ting is a hand-crafted broom made from the midribs of the Buri leaves, a stronger and longer alternative to those made from coconut leaves . The walis comes from our partner communities in San Juan, Ilocos Sur.
Another classic which has withstood the test of time. Many of the old Vigan houses have been cared for by zealous housekeepers wielding these hand-crafted brooms.
Our walis is produced from the midribs of the Buri leaves and is a by-product of our buri baskets. The midribs are cleaned with a sharp blade by hand and bound together to form the broom. These are the best brooms for yardwork and sweeping pavement.