In the grand sala of the Syquia Mansion hangs a life-size portrait of GregorioSyquia. It is a formal portrait with the barest of background an...
Read moreWhen searching for a Chinese ancestor, the first thing one must know is the Chinese character of their Chinese name. However, when one is several ...
Read moreIn the caida, there is a large piece of furniture that stands guard at the bottom of the stairs. This is the bastonero and its name is derived fro...
Read morePetronila Encarnacion Syquia was the wife of Vicente Ruperto Romero Syquia. They were married on June 9,1853 in the church of San Vicente de Ferre...
Read moreOn the ground floor of the Syquia Mansion, stands a beautifully restored horse-drawn carriage called a Birlocho. This was the latest in modern tran...
Read moreThe Zaguan or entry hall was the transitional space between the main entrance and the entry leading to the main staircase to the upper spaces. in e...
Read moreCrossing the South China SeaIn 1834, twelve-year-old Sy Qia sailed from China to the Philippine archipelago, avoyage that would forever alter the d...
Read moreVicente Sy Quia died on January 9,1894 and was buried, like every prominentChinese in Manila, at the La Loma Chinese Cemetery. After the deaths of...
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